
I'm not a professional photographer. I'm just a lady with a camera who has some pictures and stories to share.


Hello, my name is Eilish and I'm a procrastinator.  Procrastination isn't always a bad thing, though.  I like to say procrastination gives you something to look forward to.  This is especially true when it comes to photography.  When I photograph babies and children I take A LOT of pictures.  And since I shoot in RAW they must all be processed and converted to JPEG.  So I'll usually just do the ones that jump out at me at first.  The rest tend to just hang out on my computer waiting for me to come discover them.  And when I finally do get around to having a second look, I usually find some shots that were better than the original ones I picked.  Such was the case with these recently discovered gems...

Yep, I'd say these were worth waiting for...


Unknown said...

Eilish, these photos are stunning; you should open your own studio. Love your gift of seeing the world the way you do!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely believe you have a God Given GIFT with this thing girl...Photography is the ONE Constant in your LONGGGGG string of Hobbies you have dabbled in during the 7 years I have been blessed to know you...and eventually call you one of my BFF's or as we now know each other as...Frister's of the GA GA Sisterhood...LOL

I' find myself going to your FB page often to see what NEW jewels you have discovered....THANK you for being my family's personal photographer and never even paid you a dime....which by the looks of the latest YOU so could be making BANK ROLL b-c your talent shines through and makes you, IN MY OPINION, one of the BEST photographers I've ever used and I HAVE thousands OF DOLLARS WORTH OF "professional" PHOTO'S OF MY KIDS! So I just wanna say I am so PROUD of the Lady with the Camera and happy she is my photographer...When or IF you ever realize your worth get a price list together and I will be more than Happy to pay you :) With your humanitarian and philanthropic heart i feel you have a great service to offer to people who struggle in this world just to make ends meet but would be more than willing to pay a FAIR price to have some AMAZING photo's they could not have otherwise...and of course you will always be open to throw in the occasion PRO-BONO shoot...I <3 You

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